Starfighters stationed at New Republic Headquarters Include:

  • Z-95 Headhunter

  • X-Wing

  • Y-Wing

  • A-Wing

  • B-Wing

  • V-Wing

  • E-Wing

  • T-Wing

  • R-41

  • C-Wing

  • R-Wing

  • W-Wing

  • D-Wing

  • X-Wing

    Model: Incom T-65B X-Wing

    Length: 12.5 meters

    Crew: 1 pilot, 1 astromech droid

    Speed:1,050 kilometers per hour


    Laser Cannons 4
    Proton Torpedo Launchers 2

    The X-wing starfighter was at the time of Yavin, a new fighter. The X-wing fighter was origanally created by Incom Corp. but the design team defected to the Alliance and they had all the schematics and prototypes of these fighters.


    Model: Koensayr BTL-S3 Y-Wing

    Length: 16 meters

    Crew: 1 pilot, 1 gunner, 1 astromech droid

    Speed:1,000 kilometers per hour


    Laser Cannons 2
    Light Ion Cannons 2
    Proton Torpedo Launchers 2

    The Y-Wing, which is probablly the most common and oldest fighter was designed to be an attack starfighter. The one thing that it lacked was speed. Due to this it was vulnerable to the Empire's fast TIE fighters.


    Model: Alliance A-Wing Starfighter

    Length: 9.6 meters

    Crew: 1 pilot

    Speed:1,300 kilometers per hour


    Laser Cannons 2
    Concussion Missile 2
    Targeting Jammer 1

    One of the alliances newer figthers is the A-wing. It is probably the fastest fighter in space. Due to it's speed it is increadably difficult to hit in combat, but if hit, is easibly damaged. It is also equiped with a sensor jammer to confuse enemy sensors and communications.


    Model: Slayn & Korpil B-Wing

    Length: 16.9 meters

    Crew: 1 pilot

    Speed:950 kilometers per hour


    Laser Cannons 1
    Medium Ion Cannons 3
    Proton Torpedo Launchers 2
    Auto Blasters 2

    The B-wing is probably one of the most powerful fighters the alliance has, being designated an heavy assault starfighter. Although it has heavy armor and shields, it is very slow. The oddest thing about the B-Wing is that it has a gyroscoping command pod which allows the body to rotate around the cockpit.

    Z-95 Headhunter

    Model: Incom /Subpro Z-95 Headhunter

    Length: 11.8 meters

    Crew: 1 pilot

    Speed:1,150 kilometers per hour


    Triple Blasters 2
    Concussion Missile Launchers 2

    The Z-95 headhunter is one of the older fighters that is used by the Alliance. It is slow but still famous for its durability. Pilots are confident in the Z-95 because they know it can take an laser blast and still get them back to base. Unfortunately they have no hyperdrive and must be carried into battle by a larger ship.

    V-Wing Airspeeder

    Model: Slayn & Korpil V-Wing Airspeeder

    Length: ??? meters

    Crew: 1 pilot

    Speed:1,000 kilometers per hour; 1,400 with scramjet


    Laser Cannons 2

    A new addition to the Rebellion, its light weight and swift speed, the V-Wing has a signifigant advantage over the airspeeder. Unlike the airspeeder the V-Wing is equipped with a scram jed which acts as a huge booster, but if used too often its engines will overheat. Also the V-wing's weapons are linked, but alike the scram jet will overheat if used to often.


    Model: FreiTek, Inc. E-Wing Starfigher

    Length: ??? meters

    Crew: 1 pilot

    Speed:1,100 Kilometers per Hour


    Laser Cannons 3
    Proton Torpedos 16

    Also new to the Rebellion, the E-Wing offers perfomance that was thought ot be immpossible. It is almost as fast and maneuverable as the TIE interceptor, it is equipped with triple laser cannons and 16 proton torpedoes, and is more heavily armored then the famed X-Wing. Unfortunately, those advancements have come at a price, since the ship requires an R7 astromech and it has been found that the laser cannons are underpowered.


    Model: T-Wing Fighter (T-W)

    Length: 10 meters

    Crew: 1 pilot

    Speed:1,100 Kilometers per Hour


    Laser Cannons 2

    R-41 Fighter

    Model:R-41 Starchaser Fighter

    Length: 15 meters

    Crew: 1 pilot

    Speed:1,000 Kilometers per Hour


    Laser Cannons 2
    Ion Cannons 1


    Model:Incom-Verpine C-Wing Interceptor

    Length: 17 meters

    Crew: 1 pilot; 1 gunner or passenger

    Speed:250 mglt


    Light Laser Cannons 4
    Light Ion Cannons 2
    Heavy Laser Cannons 2
    Concussion Missles 20
    Proton Torpedoes 15

    The C-Wing project was originally started during the Galactic Civil War to accomidate the Rebellion with a fast, durable fighter. The project was cut short when Imperial Intelligence learned of the fighter and the matter was dealt with personally by Lord Vader. Recently new data has arrisen concerning this very promising fighter. A officer at Incom located the plans for the orignial prototype while doing a routine data dump. Since that time Incom has made further modicications to the deesign and the ship has now earned itself a strong foothold in the New Republic Fleet.

    R-Wing Fighter/Intereptor

    Model:Incom-Mon Cal R-Wing Fighter/Interceptor

    Length: 20.5 meters

    Crew: 1 pilot; 1 Radar Intercept Officer or R5, G8, or M3PO

    Speed:190 mglt


    Heavy Laser Cannons 4
    Concussion Missiles 18
    Proton Torpedoes 22

    The R-Wing project was at first brought up by the FreiTek corportion thirty years after the Galactic Civil War. But, the New republic, happy with the fighters they already producted, rejected the idea. Thirty-seven years later, Incom found the data on the R-Wing and presented it to the New Republic Council. The Council, knowing that the power, speed, and durability of this fighter was desperately in need , ordered Incom to begin manufacturing the R-Wing. With better engines, hyperdrive, shields, weapons, and armor, the R-Wing quickly became the fleet's top defender.


    Model:Mon Calamari W-Wing Stealth Fighter

    Length: 22 meters

    Crew: 1 pilot; 1 Navigator or passenger

    Speed:120 mglt


    Medium Laser Cannons 2
    Concussion Misssle Launcher 1
    Proton Torpedoes 22

    Although not heavily armed, or particularly fast the New Republic W-Wing fighter is extremely dangerous becuase it is the New Republic's first attempt at a stealth fighter. The ship relies on a new type of cloaking technology previously unseen and untried. Older cloaking technologies relied upon generating massive fields of enegy . Up until now it was thought that only the Empire's V-38 assault fighters possessed the ability to cloak. The New republic has tried a different approach to the technology. Instead of generating a fild of energy around the ship, the new cloaking technology is built directly into the outer layers of the ship's skin. The outer skin is coated with a fine layer of synthetic material which works to simulate the ship's surroundings. The material is so sensitive that it can change appearances quickly enough to fool any tracking sensors.

    D-Wing Recon Starfighter

    Model:SR-71 D-Wing Recon Starfighter

    Length: 32.7 meters

    Crew: 2 plus a droid



    Heavy Ion Cannons2
    Concussion Misssle Launcher 1
    Enemy Targeting Jammer 1

    The SR-71 D-Wing was designed by the Alliance's Shadow Work design team to be capable of penetrating heavily defended targets, conduct a recon or a limited strike, and still be able to get away intact. In order to achieve the mission profile, Shadow Works had to emphasize speed at the expense of other performance aspects such as maneuverability and stealth. The final result was a vessel capable of cruising at speeds that normal starfighters could only dream about. However, since they are very difficult and expensive to build and requires a tremendous amount of maintenance, they are normally not issued to local sector commands, instead, are they used as a strategic reconnaissance resource by the Alliance High Command. The D-Wing (Delta Wing) is also known by the nickname "Blackbird" due to its color.